Nothing says “hello” more beautifully than a brilliant, fresh smile. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires in-office professional cleanings at least every six months.
Why Do You Need a Professional Teeth Cleaning?
A professional teeth cleaning does far more than regular brushing and flossing and is a critical procedure to ward off gum disease – a main reason for early tooth loss. Our teeth cleanings help prevent cavities, keep your breath fresh, make it possible to detect any broken fillings or developing cavities and treat these issues before they get worse.
What is Plaque?
Plaque is a sticky film that develops on the teeth. It is caused by the combination of mouth bacteria and sugary or starchy foods. When left without being removed, it will harden into another substance, called “tartar.”
What is Tartar?
Tartar is hardened plaque that can build up on the teeth, between the teeth, and beneath the gum surface. The tartar becomes hard, often discolored, and is bonded to the tooth enamel, impossible to remove without the help of a dental professional.